Shareholders vote to authorize building projects

We’re excited to announce that at the recent Green and Gold Town meeting in October, Mad River Glen's shareholders voted overwhelmingly to authorize the two largest building projects that will be funded by the campaign. The projects include the renovations to the historic Basebox, and the rebuild of the Patrol/Ski School building. Per the Coop’s bylaws, the projects required approval by the shareholders, and the measure passed by a resounding 644 votes in favor, 19 opposed.

We’re thrilled with this great vote of confidence! Currently, the Coop’s management and the Facilities Committee are working hard with our architects and construction manager to ensure that these two projects will be completed prior to the 2020-2021 ski season. We look forward to seeing the results of your very generous donations next year!

The corner of the Basebox adjacent to the Practice Slope Lift will have a new entrance and a new stairway.

The corner of the Basebox adjacent to the Practice Slope Lift will have a new entrance and a new stairway.

The rebuilt Patrol/Ski School Building.

The rebuilt Patrol/Ski School Building.